
Judith sWord



novel fiction



in process ...  

art-based  project series

multiple playgrounds and players

crosSword, OF Zettel

 focuses on one of today’s most urgent societal challenge and essential human task: social climate care. 

Based on deuterocanonical book,

from Old Testament of the Bible

dedicated to the heroine Judith

that will wound those who have planned cruelties against the Jerusalem Temple and their homeland,

a widow who asks God to see the pride of the enemy, to send fury on their heads, to give her—a widow—a strong hand, to strike down the enemy “

by the deceit” of her lips (9:10), 

Judith mastered to save her town and people in Bethulia, 

taking ritually pure foods to eat (10:5)

First attempts to the book of Judith by dance prayer ´Klage´- inspired by Martha Graham dance choreography "Judith" (1950)

was presented  as dance performance lecture, premiered in the Vienna Votiv church in 2006 for the Long Night of Music,


into my artworld again

on the occasion of the 500-Anniversary

of the script Judita written by Croatian writer Marko Marulic 

in 2021 and re-imagined

in 2022

researching, exploring the bodily movement grounded in dance methodology as a praxis of social spiritual care,

breathing ventilations as a tool for

peace practice and conflict prevention,




word games,

 violent realities,

femicid, hate speech

human-caused natural disasters

Searching possibilities for mediating dialogues, to re-imagine world orders and history, to re-position and shift from the war cycle

toward peaceful co-existence

 round up the corners


´cut old braids´


re-thinking conditions,

opening channels and devices,

settle conflicts,


imagining ethically and morally,

acting otherwise

conducting imaginary acts with speech acts and bodily movement

exploring the shift of wights  by shifting imaginary lines,

chancing views


the triangle


An-atomic facts:

Dance meditation, language play, in time:

transforming conditions-

an attempt to

´ethic imagination´

 (Gonzales 2014)

Orange Feather Stille Post 25/11

dark illuminations

"With whose blood where her eyes crafted?"

^Haraway, Donna. (1988). "Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective."

Feminist Studies 14, 3: 575-599

^sWord  is my critical approach to

´legacy of violence and power´ and the interpretation of the script from the feminist perspective and in the light of LWittgenstein´s Philosophical Investigations on ethics and P. Ricoeur´s notes on interpretation (The critique of Religion" and "the Language of Faith" (1973)- in particular the notes on two-way process of re-interpretation, L. Wittgensteins Remarks on colour (1977),

my work experiences with blind and visually impaired

guided with philanthropic aspirations,

wonder about languages,

and curiosity





and noticing



Judith sWord -project is considered as a two-fold attempt

to the Book of Judith, deriving from the deuterocanonical book of the Bible, Old Testament,

by creating a novel fiction grounded in an other vision situated in the play without a ^God trick^(D. Haraway 1988)

Speech acts _ parables

“ (…)In situations of tension and conflict - except in cases of selfdefense - the use of force is not only illegal under modern international law, but also not necessarily the most effective means of conflict resolution. In such circumstances, a creative, undogmatic approach is called for – the quintessence of diplomacy. This is precisely the advantage of culture, which – in contrast to politics, which inevitably deals with group egoisms defined as “national interests” – refers back to the universal nature of man.


(…) Rather than fomenting aggressive attitudes which, as history teaches, can all too easily lead to war, culture must thrive in a context of cooperation and mutual understanding involving all peoples. In its true, namely integrative sense, culture is always a joint project of humanity, the realization of a lifeworld shared by all of us and based on the universality of the spirit.

(H. Köchler)

How can art-based citizen science project

contribute to sustainable peace building

in the practice of individuals and communities ?

conducting linguistic technologies, multimedia art, philosophy, theology, applied linguistics, cultural diplomacy 4 science diplomacy sustainability policy communication, 

in particular focussing on gender-and language policy through the lens of the New European Green Deal policies, 

building upon aspects of Jean Paul Lederach ́s analysis on how to transcend violence starting from the capacity to generate, mobilise, and build a moral imagination (Lederach, 1995; 2005), the project aims to explore the capacity of artistic practice to generate, mobilise and build a multiple spaces for engagement of diverse actors, 

by situating the notion of the moral imagination (Lederach) in the United Nations Agenda 2030 and the 17 SDGs and trans_lating the term of ´sustainability´

in diverse individually - led actions, professional fields and social environments,

hence, activating the moral imagination ability (J.P.Lederach) and ethic imagination (Garcia-Gonzalés, 2014), of one´s, conducted with the moral imagination of the manyones, finding in complementarity by playing with, re- imagining, opening kennels and conducting devices

explicite-implicite questions:

What an impact on policy translations into action can make art - based practice & research?

out-of-sight- changing views, seeing in aspects otherwise:

How can assistive technologies use support science diplomacy policy communication within the diverse European cultural landscape, in particular, by tackling societal challenges, such as gender- based violence and hate speech? 

 How can the  AI support the prevention of violence, and serve  as a

 guide for ethic imagination?

The ´language play´ in this multimedia project is theoretically grounded in the concept developed by Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein "Language game"  as an attempt to mediation -negotiation by  "playing words" as a set of acts in dialogue of opposite sites with the aim to find complementary solution by "seeing in aspects" within a spiritual sphere located in ethic imagination,

guided by playing cards, consisting of  the UN SDG-pictograms, and words in a multilingual setting, using Braille, playing by sound and enabling other sights and views, hence, playing with,  challenging the Monopoly-setting,

 acting as companions while ´game´ is connoted with tricks against other and persuading, to ´win´ over the ´other´ 

CrosSword play -  both, in a digital form and as an interactive space installation is considered to be played by visitors in the form of thought experiment (H.C.  Ørsted^Gedankenexperiment (E. Mach), grounded in the Theory of justice, based on philosophical idea of J. Rawls and the idea of the fair choice situation by critically changing the ´original position - of words while unfolding- it´s weil of ignorance´. Computational linguistic technology supports the play by sentiment analysis.



coined with Abra

 sweet promises served

suspended braids with two combs

block, pillar, slab, beem

´dog´s does not bell

on dead´


Judith mastered to win the game over

Holofernes who could not resist his thirst

and lost his extent in wine:

beheaded and arisen in exultation

while Judith ate and drunk only from those gifts

brought in her basket

so the limitation of hospitality

enabled disrupted orders

but still,

"every separation is

a link"


(S. Weil)


“Since wars arise in the minds of men, peace must also be anchored in the minds of men.” UNESCO

Si vis pacem para bellum° _ si vis pacem para pacem,

si vis pacem para chorus

^source: Thomas Benfield Harbottle: Dictionary of Quotations Latin. Macmillan,

New York 190 

The shift in perception has been undertaken in the light of Wittgenstein´s example of the builder language in §2 of the Philosophical Investigations by including magic evoked by ´ acting in unexpected manner´ and enabling players to change the game-rules and positions, patterns and manners while playing with, breathing with and holding on the breath ,

letting go and keeping in flow...





 "Other interpretation" through the pre-position by "explicating a kind of being-in-the-world that unfolds in front of the text" (P. Ricoeur) is considered to be explored as a set of cross-word-scores in a multilingual setting by use of digital electronic devices and photography, building upon aspects of Jean Paul Lederach´s analysis on how to transcend violence starting from the capacity to generate, mobilise, and build a moral imagination.

(Lederach, 1995; 2005)

See: Lederach, John Paul (1995): Preparing for Peace: Conflict Transformation Across Cultures. Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press.

... following the thought of the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley on moral imagination in Defence of Poetry (1840)

that , "The great secret of morals is love, or a going out of our own nature, and an identification of ourselves with the beautiful which exists in thought, action, or person, not our own. To be greatly good, we must imagine.",

Can the ability to re-imagine support the shift in moral imagination, thus enable novel views, seeing in other aspects and re-interpretation of conditions, toward novel in a favour of peace?


novel_fiction ^crosSword

Judita sWord: Perlenspiel in 2 Sprachen

Psalmodic Lippengebet


hybrid Formate


multimedia: Kreuz#Wort#Rätsel



language game ^ Sprachenspiel interactive space installation


J^sWord: Tanzmeditation

am Pfad der Gleichnisse mit Orange Feder im Sprachenspiel

(beim Bibel-Pfad Votivkirche 30. September 2022 Wien)

" (...) uncovering all the available orchestrating languages in the composition of the novel.

(Bakhtin 2004: 416)

Engaged contributors, partners in dialogue & creations

Concept, artistic and theoretical basis: Tatjana Christelbauer MA

Digital Crossword in process: Prof. dr. Cvetana Krstev

Prof. dr. Ranka Stankovic Head of the RO RGF Computer Center
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology
Artist photographer:
Marija Jankovic (4 photographs for the interpretation_)
Psychoanalyst, artist:
Josef Chasilew/Brazil (storytelling, grounded in Lacanian concept of psychoanalysis; ´cut ́, ´name´,  ´beauty ́ : naked words)

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