Tanz.Kunst.Forschung KunstBildungVermitltung


ERASMUS+ Projekt The Rhythm of Nature: Let´s rain sessions

movement, rhythm, imagination, linguistic landscapes, semantic embodiment


Tanzkunst #verkörperteswissen        

"The body is a sacred garment. It's your first and last garment; it is what you enter life in and what you depart life with, and it should be treated with honour."


inSpirit2030.. dance meditation workshops with Yoga & Tai Chi

barrier free- Tanzen mit blinden ERASMUS+ projects

Dance Sociology

... an der Schnittstelle der Kognitiv-und Humanwissenschaften im Feld internationaler Beziehungen, 
im gegenwärtigen Nachhaltigkeitsdiskurs

Choreographic attempts on social ecology in translation: 
worlding in multilingual landscapes  
semantic movement research 

Dance movement-based art workshops and performance lectures 
Working with multimedia fine art on interface with political science enables a critical look at the intersectionality of epistemologies and practices finding a link between the migration, disorder and art space as exile  for the practice of somatechnics and renewal of the self in diverse contexts.

"Si vis Pacem para Chorus"

Aktuell CV Dance Dance~Well Sessions Blogs

ERASMUS+ Projekt "Rhythms of nature"

dance arts environmental humanities

Forschung: Narrativer Identitätsperformance, Kunst als Exilraum, Selbstführungspraktiken.
CALMANT Vernissage, multimedia Performances: 2004-2008 Verein Exil, Wien
Premiere mit Benoite Groult zu Gast: 2008, Palais Glam-Callas Wien 
Konzept, Performance: Tatjana Christelbauer in Kooperation mit Institute Francais de Vienne, Verein Exil, Jan Vysoczky (Sound), Michael Kral (Animation, Vernissage) 
CALMANT2030: Buchpräsentation, Artinstallation, Ausstellung, Tanzperformance 2019 
Dan cestudio MoveOn Wien Neubaugasse 12-14

in Kooperation mit Oregelmeister Klaus Hehn, Johannes Lenius, Martin Horn, Wiener Votivkirche und Vienna Christian Community, mit internationalen Kulturvereinen und Wiener KünstlerInnen

„He failed through the deceit of my lips.”

ArtIkulissimi: Dance Arts & Practice für Kinder MINT+SEL, expression as empowering tool for life within


tanzen  mit blinden Jugendlichen

L^F 85:10 Chant de Paix

Dance meditation


brushing borders ... ArtInTalk

Tanztheater: Performative Korrespondenzen;  Identitätskonzepte,  Diversität, mehrsprachige Kommunikationsformen. 
Premiere: 2010 Theater in der Drachengasse Wien 1010
Konzept, Produktion, Performance: Tatjana Christelbauer
mit Kim Jones/USA, Bettina Schäfer/AT, Goran Becircic/BiH, Andrea Nagl/AT (Film), Elke Rogl/AT (Performancebuffett), Edda Breit/AT (Celo)

SPEECHES, LECTURES: Dance&Diplomacy, Leadership&Cooperation

Social Art Design
AirDance: international Airshows as example on development of international relations and partnerships through Art and cultural diplomacy
Żelva. Landscapes in smaragdblau.
in Process... Memory and Migration- DADA, dance & narrative existential analysis

Mythen in Zeitgeist: Zalike

Environment, Health,

memory. Lifeworld, communicative acts. Dance meditations


bRain#Arting neuro sciences, dance arts, linguisitcs

Youth: Tanzprojekte, Präsentationen am Multikids Festival: native stories&movement

Movement Translations: Pioggia≉Regen≉ Rain...
Praktische Forschung von Tatjana Christelbauer: sprachliche Translationen und interkulturelle Kommunikation  im Bereich der Tanzkunst; Workshops, Lecture
Performances. Präsentation in Martha Graham Contemporary school, NYC 2012, Premiere in Wien
2009,Festsaal des Bezirksgebäudes Wien Alsergrund mit Antonio Fini/It/USA und Melisa Slipac /KRO, Institut für Slavistik and der Universität Wien. Pre-Premiere in 2009 im Rahmen der Veranstaltung
"Slavistik isn`t dead"  bei LineIn 
 Dance ~ Well 
Modern*Balett, LiLa: 
Workshops, Talk Sessions, dance compositions for professionals from arts, education to diplomacy, art workshops  with children, youth and seniors, 
 Inclusive approach for blind and autistic, storytelling for people on move: 
NYC/USA, Wien/AT, Belgrade/RS, Trieste/It, Villapiana/It, Igalo/MNE, Winterthur/CH

Dance Arts Education
up to June 2019

Re-thinking genderroles,
transforming given (under)conditions into shared perspectives

Moralische Praxis2030
Performance lecture, debate, art mediation
with Hundertwasser hommage to Schröder-Sonnensterns artwork Moralische Praxis


im Sprachenspiel



Dornier Museum Friedrichshafen

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