Arts_Sciences_Cultural Diplomacy 2030 ...
Art_Science_Cultural Diplomacy in Civil Society Practice, in the Process of Sustainable Development
#neweuropeanbauhaus #greendeal, #orangetheworld #arts4health
Languages on course 2030 ...
CD 2030
UN SDG-oriented language courses, Europe CD citizen science and more ...
Interregional collaborations on the base of the shared common language within the multilingual European and global landscape; multilateral project consortia, citizen science projects, with the aim to strengthen social integration and cohesion, to set common priorities in the process of sustainable development, with art-based learning, research and communication methods that promote and support UN SDGs-oriented cultural diplomacy4science diplomacy communication in the practice of civil society and beyond.
Libr A MINT s
Ambition in process...
PhD in practice project
Paradigm shift_2030...
knowledge cycle,
language landscapes,
citizen science
Europe, cultural diplomacy, science diplomacy, sustainability policy communication, citizen science,
Austrian Libraries abroad and Cultural Forums,
Europe, interregional cooperation
UN SDG -compass
Multi-stakeholder transdisciplinary/transcultural arts-based research, symbolic interactionism,
art&health, resilient communication, new media, gender-theoretical approaches_intersectionality, UN SDGs, STEM, youth, social integration, Europe, violence prevention, culture of peace
boundary spanning
multiple situated knowledge
methodological cosmopolitanism (U. Beck)
embodied knowledge
DA-CH-Li region
DACH principle: to promote the German language;
+ language diplomacy, linguistic hospitality in Western Balkans, Central Europe, Euromed Region
with AI, new linguistic technologies
worlding in 5ps
Based on a model from the United States "Libraries as Community Hubs for Citizen Science" and with the aim of strengthening the European science diplomacy sustainability policy communication in the current process of implementing sustainable development goals UN SDGs with a broader public, thereby expanding the scope and possibilities for cross-border cooperation, using the existing differently situated knowledge resources in diverse communities and building trust through encounters and cross-generational engagement in overcoming current challenges related to the human and natural disasters, supporting and promoting the implementation of sustainable development goals (17 UN SDGs) the concept for the development of LibrA MINTs - digital archives and galleries - has been created.
The cooperation with Austrian Cultural Forums and Libraries abroad and their networks is intended for the creation of the virtual platform for the documentation and promotion of project activities as well as for the development of further transboundary collaborations.
The platform Libr A MINTs is also considered to work as an educational platform for introductory courses and master's courses on cultural diplomacy in practice of the civil society in collaboration with ACD Agency for Cultural Diplomacy Association, Vienna Diplomatic Academy ( S4D4C team ) and the European Science Diplomacy Alliance, with regional ministries, universities, schools, cultural associations, diaspora communities, museums, international organisations such as the OSCE, UN Women, European institutes such as the EUNIC, EU houses, foundations, the military (aviation, radar communication, ergonomics), the media, other local partners in various European and non-European regions.
In recent years, since the proclamation of the UN Agenda 2030 and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (17 SDGs), the globally interconnected world has received a common framework for action and the call for global commitment.
All people are called upon to take on the responsibility of putting an end to natural disasters, political conflicts, various injustices, to collaborate for a better future for all people, all living beings, nature and our planet alike, individually, and as part of diverse communities.
Cultural Diplomacy paradigm shifts in the direction of integrated, systemic and transformative approaches extend within all social structures and areas of living and working together. Intersectionality of the sustainable development goals (UN SDGs)requires multi-stakeholder partnerships, linking of various theories, strategies, methods and above all, transboundary collaborations.
gender perspective
Integrated component of the UN Agenda 2030 is the goal SDG5- of achieving "gender equality and self-determination of women and girls".
The concept of sustainability thus also includes the gender-related perspective of power and dominance.
The systematic inclusion of the gender perspective in the implementation of the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs)is also stated in the preamble of the UN Agenda2030 .
Gender mainstreaming is anchored in the 2030 Agenda with concrete sub-goals for gender equality in many other SDGs – including in the areas of poverty, education and health.
By decreeing necessary global measures that were taken in connection with the C-19 pandemic, such as the lockdowns - the restriction of social contacts, the closure of educational institutions, cultural institutions and all other social places, digitalisation and thus also the development of new, virtual formats for teaching, work and all types of communication.
Other effects of current global challenges such as climate change, technological development and accelerated digitisation on developments in the field of education: distance learning, new jobs, the search for prospects, migration, social integration, multilingualism in the classroom, increased need for English skills (digital platforms, social media, research reports), increased need for youth counseling - professional orientation; gender-related intercultural differences, etc
Alarming study results on the mental health of schoolchildren in Austria: 16 percent suffer from depressive symptoms caused by the corona crisis.'
Rising gender-based violence (femicid),
strained relationships within families, and nations worldwide.
How can the cohesion of European peoples and worldwide be strengthened in the current crises and beyond?
How can the recognition of historical, cultural and intercultural connections, for more peaceful and just coexistence and active participation of diverse societies and social communities, be promoted?
How can art contribute to science diplomacy?
How are sustainability policies and the 17 goals of the UN SDGs implemented in the concepts of cultural associations and diaspora communities?
What concerns, interests and ideas do young people have for the implementation of 17 SDGs?
Can a common language strengthen the sense of belonging of multilingual European and global populations?
How can arts-based learning methods contribute to violence prevention?
What contributions can civil society organisations and cultural associations make to this?
ACD-Agency for Cultural Diplomacy Association was founded in 2016 with the idea of developing the concept of cultural diplomacy in the process of sustainable development. The CD_2030 concept was thus developed in ACD projects and initiatives in practice, and above all in collaboration with international teams.
The platform A4S4CD2030 ... has been presented in March 2021 at S4D4C team conference and at the InSciDe Erlangen Conference in December 2021.
The great ambition of this research project is also grounded on the idea of developing professional training courses and workshops at the interface of art_science and (cultural) diplomacy, which lead to trans- and interdisciplinary dialogue and at the same time to the expansion of communication skills of students, as well as of professional representatives from (culture/diplomacy, art and cultural associations, diaspora communities, etc., in the field of sustainable development, will contribute, since art and science are at the forefront of all EU programs, as well as Europe-wide at the national level of the countries to sustainable Development as a "soft power tool" - in the sense of socially committed collaboration, for which communication with and in the public are required.
Art promotes critical thinking and enables easier access to complex scientific topics and analyses. The mediation skills in the international area are necessary for this, just like for the scientists.
Connecting (cultural/science)diplomacy students and professionals into collaboration, the field of inquiry and communication will flourish in a triangle[1]: arts_science_ diplomacy and accelerate the knowledge-to-action-cycle[2].
[1] Aristoteles rethoric triangle
[2] The conceptual model called the Knowledge-to-Action Cycle was developed by Graham and colleagues in 2006. Source:
Graham ID, Logan J, Harrison MB, Straus SE, Tetroe J, Caswell W, et al. Lost in knowledge translation: time for a map? J Contin Ed Health Prof. 2006; 26(1):13-24. doi: 10.1002/chp.47
However, such programs are not yet known for artists who study, research and work in the dialogue with sciences. Arts&Science academic programs are currently trending worldwide, but I could not find any Arts&Diplomacy or Arts&Sciences&Cultural Diplomacy-SDGs -oriented educational programs in online literature reviews.
There are three differently communicated cultures, but the 'art of science' and 'art of diplomacy' are known as terms, while 'diplomacy of art' and 'science of art' have hardly been examined in more detail in this form. For this, the spaces open up, indeed the gap, to bring the three cultures together with art-based research approaches in the interplay. The UN SDG compass with SDG-EU policy papers guides the exchange of ideas.
Project activities on 17 Sustainable Development Goals and their translation in diverse lifestyles and worlds, multilingual communities and knowledge cultures is considered to be co-elaborated within the citizen science projects.
The virtual platform is currently intended as a place for encounters, engagement and transboundary collaborations: A4S4CD_2030, ACD Spaces Academy offers STEAM education at cross-sectoral and cross-generational level. Co-designing spaces are expanded in the landscapes of new media and real spaces.
ArtImpact2030: research on creative solutions, by tackling current societal challenges 4 the prevention of further damages. #stayinlove
Practicing art-based trainings for mental health and well-being will increase the emotional stability and the eco-social awareness; arts-based methods for inquiry-based learning (STEAM) on an individual basis and for intergenerational, collaborative practice will enable applicability of STEM subjects in everyday life, personal access and foster sensorial understanding of various phenomena with creative approaches.
The World Health Organization (WHO) 2019 report summarised global evidence on the role of the arts in improving health and well-being, with a particular focus on the WHO European Region. Findings from more than 3,000 studies demonstrate an essential role for the arts in disease prevention and health promotion, as well as in the management and treatment of disease throughout the life course. The positive impact of the arts could be further enhanced by recognising and giving due consideration to the growing knowledge base, encouraging engagement with the arts at individual, community and national levels, and encouraging cross-sectoral cooperation.´ source
Cultural diplomacy 2030 ... - European thought,
Austrian model
Art and science, technology and innovation are the essential aspects in the practice of Austrian cultural diplomacy.
Austrian libraries abroad act alongside Austrian cultural forums in the field of cultural diplomacy. Through partnerships with local universities and research institutes, they are developing a scientific network. A publication platform was created in the form of the series “Transcultural Research at Austrian Libraries Abroad” for academic staff at Austrian Libraries Abroad who join forces to conduct research projects.
I find it interesting also to investigate which new mediation and communication formats were developed by Austrian libraries abroad during the C-19 crisis and further, such as the -paradigm shift in the field of cultural diplomacy- from soft power as a tool for the promotion of national values, traditions and tourism, to promote innovative technologies, science and contemporary art forms in the process of sustainable development and the 17 UN SDGs.
Virtual interregional platforms for art-based citizen science projects in cooperation with Austrian libraries has already be hosted via the A4S4CD2030 -platform
Funding proposal: Horizon Europe, citizen science platforms in Austria and partner countries, ERASMUS+, New European Bauhaus projects, Creative Europe
This project has already been communicated with persons from previous cooperations with Austrian libraries abroad, the research project proposal was submitted on February 24th, 2022
at the Research Center of the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Projects such as the ParlaMINT 2030 ...
DA-CH-L1: 17 UN-SDGs, Europe-CD-oriented roundtables and language courses; #GRIDeal; Orange feather flight , etc. are currently in the process of development with respective partner institutions; some projects, such as the Erasmus project Le_MOON, art4orangetheworld, d.a4h: "linking archives, movements and media_ Bodenwieser-Mandukic" are in ongoing development, numerous LanguageWeb2030 projects has been brought to realisation in collaboration with AKFs and regional partners;
Further space for encounters are given within the UNESCO futures of education- focus group sessions "Let´s brick!" which has been implemented as a part of the annual program of the ACD-Agency for Cultural Diplomacy association.
Tatjana Christelbauer
“To develop a complete mind: study the science of art. Study the art of science. Learn how to see. Realise that everything connects
to everything else.”
Leonardo da Vinci
applying on good practices & flourishing collaborations:
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