
Kiša ≠ Rain ≠ Rain ^ Regen

kiša  ≠ rain ^ Regen

semantic movement practices

phonetic  effects on emotional state, imagination, embodied cognition and bodily expression,

 in a multilingual setting

Let´s rain ^ workshops & art_science sessions


Natural phenomena in art, applied physics, philosophy, sociolinguistics, cultural diplomacy

pioggia ^rain ... Venice 2020


Museum education art mediation, Workshops and seminars for teachers, students and researchers
„Rain ≠ Kiša ≠ Regen ^ pioggia ...

Exploring linguistic translation in dance practice

by language plays :


 What images arise by pronouncing or by hearing the term “rain” in various languages?

How is memory connected with experience of rain as a natural phenomenon and/or in its symbolical meaning?

What an impact has the pronouncing of the term “rain” on bodily expression when reflecting on memory and imagination evoked by pronouncing the term, and how it differs by the shift into another/foreign language landscape?

How is the rhythm of breathing explored while pronouncing the term "rain" in diverse languages and how it influences creation of the bodily movement sequences?

Which language sounds are threatening, what sounds strange and what sounds familiar?

The series of exercises "Pioggia ≠ Kiša ≠ Regen" was developed  by Tatjana Christelbauer during the practical research on intercultural communication and international relations in the field of dance art and practice (2004-2011) in NYC at the Martha Graham School.


 Studio Showings at the Martha Graham School in NYC (2011), 3. FEB ethnographic symposium in Dubrovnik,  within workshops and seminars for teachers, educators, dance students and professionals in Vienna and internationally.

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Tatjana Christelbauer KunstBildungVermittlung