2021 KunstBildungVermitltung


ArtInTalk,  bonds4futures,  AI for inclusive art & education

inSight: dots4futures  project series

Orangefeatherflight multimedia art-science project series

ERASMUS+ projects

all activities on  Fb

Applied AI:   AI acts



Orange Featherflight presentations

projects, meetings, media campaigns

 promotional design:  Orange Feather Initiative

art productions4science diplomacy policy communication


inSpirit2030 UN Vienna

ERASMUS+ projects, art-based environmental edu activities by ACD-Agency for Cultural Diplomacy association

L^F 85:10 dance medi(t)ation on the path of parables: planetary love


presentations at international conferences, ongoing art_science projects 2022

Wittgenstein and AI, NCH London 31. Juli 2022 "One Orange Featherflight_ thought experiment"

Sibenik Dance Festival 26. Juli 2022 "Feminism in arts" panel

University of Arts Belgrade 3. Juni 2022 "Cultural Diplomacy 2030 ... model"

UNESCO MONDIACULT world conference 2022, on side 29th of September


WeltInWien Kunstvermittlung by ACD

Ab März 2021:
Arts4Sciences4CulturalDiplomacy2030 bei ACD-Verein

dance arts&Humanities

Cultural Diplomacy 2030 
by ACD-assosciation


Dance Arts Cultural Diplomacy2030
European Mythology on Powers of Nature 
Libretto for dance, lecture and workshop "Perun & Dodola" (Tatjana Christelbauer 2012) for students of the
Dance Academy, Alma Mater Europea University Ljubljana/SLO
(April 20-22nd 2020) -due to the C-19-crisis postponed for 2021

Dance meditations to art works of Barbara Streiff "Alpen mythology" Sargans, CH December 2020

C-19. Art response Women.Art.Solidarity
15. March-16th April 2020 
Experience in a virtual space due to the COVID-19 crisis. 

"Corpus Callosum" art installation 
for BORDERS Arts& architecture Festival on Fragmented Identitiy Venice Sept.-Oct.2020

 "European Language landscapes 
~  697A Rainyday on Love Waves  Hundertwasser (1971)

Art education contribution to the European Day of Languages 2020 for
Rijeka-European Capital of Culture 2020
in Cooperation with Austrian library Rijeka, Austrian cultural Forum Zagreb, and
Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rijeka / R. Croatia
Supported by Hundertwasser private Foundation

Art promotion activity  of the Hundertwasser´s art work  „697A Regentag auf Liebe Wellen“ 
Creation of Linguistic Landscape German-Croatian,  
Raindrop-cards with creation of students and recipe for the Raindrop-dessert from regional fruits and healthy products;
Introduction of the Hundertwasser´s ship Rainyday which is currently under the re-construction
Lecture on language heritage related to the UNESCO Conv. 2005 and UN SDG 4+15

Place, time: Rijeka, Croatia/ Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art
September/October 2020

SprachenWeb Lower Austria ~ Slavonia
With Schörl ~ Truhelka in the annual circle 

Educational bridges Lower Austria-Croatia (Central) Europe. Women.Languages.Literature
Annual calendar in German / Croatian (currently being written) by Tatjana Christelbauer with contributions donated by Dr. Doris Kloimstein (AT) and Dr. Marina Vinaj (KRO);
Presentation with the workshop "My Language landscape"
Project start since 2019 on behalf of the Lower Austrian state government, department K1 in Osijek / KRO

Venues: digital presentation; Austrian library in Osijek / Croatia and Museum Slavonia; from December 2020 in cooperation with Austrian partners in Austrian institutions

Time:  composing, writing, from March / April 2020; Presentations between 20-22. September 2020; further presentations in Lower Austria and Croatia from December 2020

Presentation "Schörl-Truhelka annual calendar" , workshop "My language landscape", Let´s Schörl!

literary promotion, dance, fine arts
wise women from Alp mythology in Zeitgeist 
dance stories with Andrea Nagl, Bettina Schäfer, Marietta Kro, Nathalie Tassoti, Aleksandra Bajde

Arts and culture mediation formats and projects in the sustainability discourse: Kulturdiplomatie2030

Global Linguistic Landscapes. ArtImpact2030

Educational blog and multilingual storytelling workshops with construction material;
LEGO & Bricks: Play ~ well Sessions is based on Hundertwasser's art and ecological ideas
Cooperation partners: Liechtenstein Art School, Rogner Spa Bad Blumau, Brick scholars USA, Kei and Harumi Murauchi (Japan), Asiya Mughal / Lahore, Pakistan (gender-sensitive education, NO Violence - ACD-Orange Feather Initiative); M4Life (ADEPS org. Kenya and Amro Selim / Elmoustkabal / Egypt. 

International projects with representatives from civil society initiatives, educational institutions and with art and culture professionals in the field of global  sustainable education, art and culture mediation, cultural diplomacy, media promotion since 2019, currently communication via e-mail and social media promotion

Media, PR: inTalk Sessions, ZOOM-Talks, Web_Scape Sessions, Futures of. Education2050

Bodenwieser ~ Mandukic: Women.Art.Education
Intercultural exchange, art education, historical cultural bridges: Austria-Serbia; Contribution to the Vienna Modern Dancer Platform (ACD Association)

Cooperation partners: UBUS-Belgrade (Serbian Association of Ballet Dancers), IDEA House Vienna (Vesna Dimitrijevic, Diaspora TV); Belgrade City Theater; further partnerships are in development;  
Implementation period: October / November 2020
Venues: Digital Museum, other locations willl be announced

Documentary reportage and book presentation by Prof. Dr. Vera Obradovic with Tatjana Christelbauer on the art heritage  of Serbian dancer born in Vienna and student of Gertrude Bodenwieser, Smiljana Mandukic; Discussion with the audience;  Bodenwieser-Mandukic reception (dessert creations, healthy for well-being: "Smilja's drum tart" and Bondi's Walse; exhibition of posters and photos of Bodenwieser and Mandukic from the archive  on banners;    

Project Bodenwieser-Mandukic: Maschinen.Demonen.Spuren have started in 2017 on the initiative of  Tatjana Christelbauer and her lecture presentation at the Festival of Choreographic Miniatures in the Museum of Belgrade City Theater. The participation was supported by the Austrian Federal Chancellery through the travel expenses. 
As a former Mandukic student, Tatjana Christelbauer gave a reading and presentation on the role of dance art and (inter) cultural education (SDG4) in the field of cultural diplomacy. Further research and research in the field resulted from the further development of this project initiative.

 Art ~ Health

Intercultural education on health culture, mental health through artistic practice, diversity management and health leadership, social integration through health culture,
Mediation formats with multilingual children's and adult groups;
Activities: Training workshops for  artists, museum pedagogues, representatives from international associations, educational institutions, consultants, others interested.

Partner institutions, funding agencies: currently in the planing stage
Up to June2020
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Tatjana Christelbauer KunstBildungVermittlung