PlayWell: soft skills, adaptive manadgement consulting KunstBildungVermitltung

Play~Well Consulting

Serious PlayPro community How it all began Serious Play Pro-open source
Play ~ Well2030 ...
creative environemnts for engaged learning 

financial education, fashion & creative design, 

inclusive edu with & 4 BVI - sharing diverse views, digital literacy, global citizenship, environmental education, storytelling, AI and assistive technologies, art_science STEAM workshop

Educational inHouse and virtual Sessions/Trainings/Workshops: 

#cultural diplomacy
#corporate culture, #corporate communication,
#Health-Wellbeing , #creativie classroom, #environmental & human wellbeing 

creative design, re-design, playful imagination, leftover4re-use, transformation, innovation with simple, mindful solutions  

At Bricks4Futures, 
we're revolutionizing education and personal development through the power of play with LEGO & other bricks. 
Our Play ~ Well concept harnesses the creativity and imagination inherent in a play to cultivate essential skills and competencies for the 21st century, 
4 now&then 
 Our innovative approach aligns with UN Sustainable Development Goals, particularly in health, education, and partnerships. Through tailored educational modules and partnerships with diverse institutions, we're driving positive change and sustainability practices worldwide.
Join us in shaping a brighter future, one brick at a time.

Flow concept_in time
“The best moments in our lives are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times . . . 
The best moments usually occur if a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile”
(Csikszentmihalyi, 1990).

  In the past 28 years of work as a consultant for intercultural education at the Lower Austrian Government and lecturer for educational institutions in Austria, I could observe and experience the great potential of play with constructing bricks for development of  skills and competences which are required  for individuals and teams in the 21st cemtury, such as intercultural sensitivity, multilingual communication, cooperative and co-constructive problem solving, digital literacy, creative thinking and attentive use of time, space and other resources. 
Creative design and multilingual storytelling practice which I have started with LEGO bricks including other materials, could empower the children and adults in their expression at all levels, enrich the variety of creations and encourage cooperation. 
Such experiences have led me to develop the Play ~ Well concept, which leans on to LEGO-Brick principle. The concept provides a connection between action strategies and forms of behaviour (attitudes).

The name LEGO derives from "Leg godt" in Danish. The translation into German as "spiele gut" can be perceived as a code for a strategic attitude which in the concept of cultural change2030 in the global sustainable transformation process, is illuminated more closely. The "wave" (tilde) between terms "play" and "well" acts as a mathematical sign of proportionality and as a symbolical form of connection, which in this context is given between the action and emotional perception and creates space for practice of the mindful reflexivity by Well ~ Acts  (sequences consists of art practices, design and wellness area) to increase the holistic vitality of action. The term "Session" relates to the format, frame and timeline of the educational modules and should be associated with passages of time and actions. 

"Make attention, be in time, play, play with"
are the  main sources for starting activities which relate to curiosity, awareness and creativity as essential attitudes for performance excellence at all life stages. Critical thinking is endorsed and raised by curiosity gained, awareness increases  by the soothing effects evoked through multi-sensory perception, creative potential activated by play, a sense for thniking with the social and natural emnvironment, is enacted by a guided imagination and by moderated individual and collaborative play.

3/4+8/17/: Global Goals 3, 4+8 and 17 stand for health, well-being (SDG3), quality education (SDG4), decent work&economic growth (SDG8) and partnerships (SDG17) to achieve goals.

The Play ~ Well concept promotes sustainability as a life-sustaining practice that creates interference in all relationships and actions. The approaches of intercultural education and Cultural Diplomacy2030 
are an essential part of the theory, methodology,
 and of the Play ~ Well practice with the motto: #stayinlove while not causing harm, preventing violence and disasters with mindful acts.

 Within such activities, participants  will elaborate the main pillars for creation of their optimal Wellbeing&Health strategy at the individual level and within their professional field.

The Play ~ Well modules should support the change management in the process of the global transformation toward sustainable development while providing creative methods for innovative thinking, practicing and collaboration, including diverse perspectives, interests and needs within one common frame of values grounded in the UN Agenda2030. 
Educational modules are developed and piloted within the 28 years of professional practice in Austrian kindergartens, schools, youth centres, museums, and has been further optimized within the current ERASMUS+ projects with international project teams consisting of teachers,  blind and visually impaired and non-blind highschool students, policy makers, dancers, choreographers and researchers. 
All workshops are taylored for the specific needs and interests of the participating parnters, and are  held in a hybrid format with local and with international guest speakers and experts. For each module, participants  receive learning materials and certificates of attendence, with opportunity for further optional collabiorations and partnerships. 

Venues: InHouse-Partner institutions,  Schools, Kindergartens, Universities, 
Spa resorts, other and by appointment, 
at the working place of the customer.

Working Languages: basically starting in english/german, all modules can embrace other languages and open space for mindful use
 of the Module-related terms. Language variety will enrich the program and bring various perspectives into insights and practice.

Play ~ Well Spa programs for leaders and for professional staff from elementary education, museums, schools, youth centres, ... will be included in the program from 2020 and offered internationally.

These programs aim is  to innitiate,support and provide space for international exchanges toward development of the cost-efficient, innovative and sustainable interrior design, learning methodologies and optimization of wellbeing at diverse working places

Education/consulting modules from September 2019:

1st module: Kulturwandel2030: Let's brick!

In terms of content, the Talk Sessions include  intercultural education related to sustainability discourses with digital and analogue forms of communication, including the inputs for 
 development of the Cultural Diplomacy2030- strategy at the individual and at community level; 
the methods from arts and cultural mediation, with agile methods for creative service design will be practiced to explore the principle of complementarity, by facing the challenges of the "Kulturwandel"2030" (cultural change2030).  Templates for the Strategy2030 will be developed in cooperation with participants.

The UN Agenda 2030 forms a conceptual framework. The work and ecological ideas of the Vienna-born international artist Hundertwasser and in particular his environmental campaigns are presented as a source of inspiration for the development of art-based learning methods and  creative design2030...

Bono: individual understanding and relation to UN Global Goals 2030, elaborated institutional / corporate sustainable development strategy, optimised work-life balance through educational partnerships; 
optimised learning environments and methodologies with inclusive and diversity sensitive approach,  starting from elementary education 
with surces from the IkuBi2030 learning model.

3 Sessions á 50 min: for groups of 6 or more

2nd module: Play Well ~  Cultures of Communication
Talk Sessions & Movement Series for senior executives and employees in field of education, cultural promotion, HR professionals, media operators,  
and other interested

The Sessions are structured in three sequences: 
articulatory phonetic exercises, strategic imagination and presentation techniques.

Bono: Optimisation of expressional and presentational skills on individual basis, diplomatic sensitivity for tactful communication culture, contributions to the development of Corporate Communications culture and PR2030, conflict-sensitivity through strengthening of multilingual competences.

3 Sessions á 50 min: for groups of 4 or more

Play ~ Well Design

Composition from Fine Arts, Dance exercises and Service Design:

individual pillars of mindfulness are  explored in a 10-minute practice sequences, and presented with constructing material, by use of visual art techniques and expressive dance forms; 

Bono: Increasing awareness through creative processes in combination with agile methods, individual value transparency enhancement, basics of the modern dance and danc emeditation practice for daily work-out danceIn- Acts

3 Sessions á 50 min: for groups of 8 or more


Please forward Your request for Play ~ Well Sessions (companies, international institutions, governments, as well as educational institutions, museums), 
 to the following address:

Subject: please choose the Modul-es and add desired time, place and the number of participants

Extra Bono for Institutions, Organisations: by becoming associate member of the nonprofit association ACD-Agency for Cultural Diplomacy you will support the current projects and initiatives for the realisation of the Global Goals within the civilian sector and in return, you will receive 50% discount for the 3-Modul-program or free consulting for one module, depending on form of Your membership. By Your interests see more here: 

Open events in Spa resorts will be announced on the following website:

I look forward meeting You by Play ~ Well Sessions! 

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  • Let´s Brick!, Education& health, cultural diplomacy,  Tatjana Christelbuer LEGO Serious Play facilitator, agile&Creative, flow, creativity, BNE, MINT+SEL, STEAM, STEM+SEL, SDE, Art&Design, art&Hralth, language plays, UNESCO Futures of Education


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Tatjana Christelbauer KunstBildungVermittlung