
Intellectual property

Thoughts on Authorship

& intellectual property

as I do not prefer to be a  rainbow fish

who has to give away his shiny scales,

in order to be able to belong to,

rather I prefer to guide and provide  support to those who might like and want to engage in,

 to discover their own shiny scales

and make them shine

therefore, following the symbolical path in this article -  I would perceive myself

as a Parrotfish, 

(on video in background)

in my current need for protection

of creations and works shared to introduce and inspire, but not necessarily to give them away ...

like the most of people who do good for others, share and give,

while some others just take it away, collect it, turn it into money for their  ´own sake´,

so the real magic and the value within which lies in dedication of the creator gets lost

How to prevent and to avoid fraud of intellectual property?

From my research in the web and conversation with colleagues, I have found out, that this issue is a "hot topic" among artists, researcher,  pedagogues ...

Many people discover the same or similar phenomena, find their pleasure in ancient treasures of our human history and the planet,

find a feather, a stone, + a shell, take it with them, put it in a bowl, make a necklace, decorate themself, ..  some other (this is fraud!!),

while some others,

keeping in touch with story of its origin,

dedicated  creators who invest energy, time, financial goods, love and patience, to create a novel context within,

situate those "simple gifts" within diverse contexts and lifeworlds

Not everyone creates a story with their own reference,

a con-text within,

and there lies the difference

between those who are dedicated creators within

and those

who enthusiastically imitate, copy,

simply collect and take away whatever they like just for their own,  driven by grid to becoming more by having, 

not being able to see that the space of being and becoming with is shrinking.

Join me in this journey by sharing your thoughts and experiences

There was one great Tesla,

but it took time, until the world could learn about the real creator behind the electric light and radio waves,  who envisioned the humanity´s futures led by "queen bees"

Catherine Hettinger who created a fidget spinner could not afford to extend her license, so the "great boom" happened otherwise, while the single mother was in a struggle to enable appropriate existence for her child.

A number of similar cases can be found by web-research and stories told by people who experienced such alienation of their intellectual property.

Hence, there is a great need and also the necessity, to raise voices and act together against fraud in all forms,  still sharing for good for many, but imprinting our authorship into term of use

as we do not have same conditions and opportunities for life , work and wellbeing

Expensive licenses and tricky proceedings may not be the only way, to keep one´s intellectual treasures safe,

especially if no personal economic enrichment but the common good is

linked to -whatever you have developed, created, put into a novel context  ..

On this  Homepage and single webpages are contained the pedagogical methods I have created, creative design, terms, definitions, scientific-theoretical links, research topics, etc. .

All of these "shiny scales" of mine were developed with great dedication and my own investment, in more than 3 decades of continuous research, work and existential struggle after war experience in my home country and the migration, and are shared here as well as across other webpages, social media, blogs, etc.,

Aiming to provide meaningful examples from the rich professional experience and to build a trust base  of my clients, students, colleagues from a professional environment, control bodies and beyond,

by showing the legitimacy of my intellectual property, as well as my artistic and pedagogical practice, with relevant introduction and illustration, brief description or even detailed.

Most of the time, countless unpaid hours and personal investments are tied to all these works.

As a new self-employed person, after 28 years of continuous commitment as an employee, protecting my intellectual property with copyright regulation is from existential importance for me and this insights are linked with the rule for copyright accordingly,

 to ensure fair conditions for my future services with .

The thoughts written here should also, in a broader sense support the Fair Pay Initiative international  whose members are engaged for the gender-fair wage ratios,

and are also actively engaged for the improvement of the fair working/payment-balance and  conditions in the field of arts and culture  in Austria. 



inspired by my dance teacher who wore the Leopard hat, now putting memories in a new context

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Tatjana Christelbauer KunstBildungVermittlung