IkuBi learning 2030 KunstBildungVermitltung

IkuBi model

IkuBi2030 in Maragoli, Kenya with scholars of the Noah´s Ark Academy

Children rights Workshops, educational material

Blog Artikl

IkuBi educational Blog European Day of Languages
IkuBi2030 learning model

Intercultural education2030, educational partnerships

The IkuBi2030 learning model represents a collection of scientific-theoretical and practical research, innovative learning methods and practical examples  developed by Tatjana Christelbauer during her work as a consultant for intercultural  pedagogy at the Lower Austrian Government  in the years 1992-2019, and as international lecturer. 

The model has been written for 25th work anniversary and presented by Lower Austrian Government department of education- team of experts  in November 2018.
In 2019 the UN SDG-learning from IkuBi-Model has been practically  implemented for the project "EUROPA in Kindergarten: SprachenWeb2030" in cooperation with Europe direct office in St. Pölten.  
In December 2019, the IkiuBi-Model was presented by over 100 intercultural educators who are actively working in Lower Austrian kindergartens.

The model offers a comprehensive set off successful implemented pedagogical practice in the process of social integration in educational institutions through educational partnerships, (inter) cultural  education and creative learning methods based on art, design and media education, with the focus on development of the social and emotional learning (SEL ) to effectively apply the knowledge, skills and attitudes, necessary to understand and manage emotions, establish and maintain relationships, set and achieve goals, as responsible individuals and as as a part of communities.  

Content ,structure and practical modules:
Educational Ethics and Conceptual Base for Global sustainable education according to UNESCO, humanistic education,  intercultural leadership and educational partnerships based on thought of the Austrian pioneer in early education  M. M. Schorl; 

Moderation and play-learn design (LEGO Serious Play Method, Museum education); intercultural education, art and cultural mediation taking into account the Interstate educational framework in Austria and internationally relevant concepts for (inter)cultural education by UNESCO;
early media education (IkuBi-DigiBi), cultural diplomacy (talk sessions) and Montessori education (movement economy).

Methodology, practical application:
- Creative design for playful learning, space and atmosphere for attentive communication;
- Traditions, international festivals, customs and holidays: universal values; ;
- multilingual competence;
- Contribution to the practice of mindfulness (mindful relationships in natural and social environment);
 -Play * Well * Stations: Design for construction plays and new media
- Learning Museum: Galleria-InfoPlace;
ArtIkulissimi: drawing-dance- narrative compositions;
- Mediation methods and formats for experimental research, multilingual and non-verbal communication in learning workshops and thematic educational units: Talk sessions (multilingual, nonverbal), IkuBi-DigiBi- new media for language promotion (KinderRadio, SmartKids), Let's Brick !, SuperMINTs (co -constructive language games, multilingual storytelling), environmental education, eco-joyful (Raindrop dance, Unski Smaragdi: on the river in Bosnia and Herzegovina; With Hundertwasser in garden: flower scent and treecrown;

European Day of Languages, UN SDGs: 
Talk Sessions and Activities on Global Goals,  Hundertwasser's Intercultural Bridges: New Zealand, Japan, Africa, ... international and regional festivals and holidays with cross-sector cooperation and educational partnerships);
- Austria-Croatia, German-Croatian: intercultural language contacts

for teaching staff, elementary educators, parents,  and other interested  (children's rights in educational institutions, gender roles and conflict sensitivity, new media and communication, art-cultural education: informal, quality education, UN SDGs: 

Children books,  stories: 
Pahuljica / (German-Croatian);
Neighborhood: Milky Way ; 
Floki, the bird friend ; 
Zizica, the good firefly is looking for friends ; 
Parrotfish Chorus Karli dreams  about Ocean (SDG14);
Hundertwasser: multilingual landscapes ; 
Pahuljica dances Danube valse and meets friends in Europe ; 
Edi star meets Edita, a girl who is piloting across Europe; 
Fadenfroh is fit!;
Buba Mara is looking for her tacles; 
Peace Dove Frida is looking for friends ; 
TreeCrown princesses;

Hello Anna, let us fly! ; 
One hundred million and twenty-seven stars dance with Michi ; 
Ciao Marco!

The IkuBi2030 learning model can be implemented within all educational institutions and practiced by all generations.

* Wor (l) thing method and talk sessions: awarded with a certificate for innovation at the Austrian Language Competence Center in Graz in 2014 ( Language Innovation Network SPIN)


IkuBi2030- Methods, Seminars, Workshops,  Projects:

* Austria, EUROPA # Global World, European Day of Languages
* UN SDGs: 1,2,3, ... 17! Talk sessions
* Learning Museum: creative design, exhibitions
* Let's brick! Co-constructive language games
* ArtIkulissimi: drawing-dance-painting-language compositions
* Feathers, Glitter, Pipe Cleaner, 
(learn-play- material)
* SuperMINTs: experimental learning and research: research labs for children in compulsory kindergarten year; (21st Century skills and competences)
* Strong girls with Pippi Longstocking: braids, freckles and gold coins 
* 1,2,3 Airpower! Get to know the language landscape of Europe with aerobatic teams
* Licitar: a heart from Croatia
* A, BE-CE-DE-Vita! healthy meals and drinks 
* Imperial Austria:  Imperial breakfast, talk session on imperial knights, Empress, Austrian history
Royal tea & cookies salon: talk session, english
Hey, in Denmark! LEGO workshop
* Rapunzel and her braids: narrative workshop 
* House of Emotions: Songs and Conversations
* Spring heart and autumn leafs: language games
* Ballet 
* Do, re, mi, Mozart! Musical-Math  journey
* ChristmasTreeBranches Dance
You can read more about the IkuBi model and IkuBi practice in the IkuBi  Blog and IkuBi Facebook page

IkuBi-training catalog:
Projects (regional, international)
Workshops for teams / leaders
cultural exchange
request here: t.christelbauer@gmail.com
Children Rights2030 Blog text
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Tatjana Christelbauer KunstBildungVermittlung