feathership ^ perovodjstvo
respiratory practices
relational gestures
piloting, flying with, navigating, landing, arriving, flying to,...
The Arts of Feathership
a practice of dialogue, being-with, breathing with ... peace acts, diagrammatic love , simple gift
simple practices for daily performance
with an imaginative or real feather
in development since 1992 ...
syllabus for interaction in a variety of performative acts
for cross-generational practice,
for various purposes
ranging from playful activity
to daily ritual for respiratory practice,
breathing exercises for danc epractice followed by movement sequences,
instant composition and contact improvisation,
communicative act-ritual, ...
practice of peace
practice of faith
manifestation of the breath
all forms created with the aim to introduce art-based methods for the development of response-ability, multi sensorial attention, creativity, imagination, ...
for peaceful communication and relations,
prevention of violence and conflict mitigation, ...
once found by walk in park, on the street, ...
wondering about such an simple gift
from nowhere
lost and found by me and you
a thing that can fly with
simple to care with, to take care off, follow and guide
just be aware of wind,
as the feather might fly away, otherwise,
get lost
and be founded again
and again
one can not fly into flying,
so we might take a walk again,
look for feather
or just imagine one and many of them
practice breathing with
flying with
Breath, a most precious source of life
approaches for
individual and collective daily practices for becoming sensitive for and aware of diverse tensions and irritations,
enabling to act otherwise, practice assertive communication,
practice peace
Art-based practice of leadership
in development process and practice since 1992
feathership^perovodjstvo Projects & Practices
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