
The Green Transition: Dance meditation let's rain

Dance meditation on the path of parables: The Green Transition:

let´s rain

Psalm 27:9, ; 72.6

Contribution to the Bible Path Event 2024

Votive Church, September 27, 2024

Thinking with clouds,

raining together

living metaphors

embodied knowledge

semantic movement

respiratory practices

Solo contributions & group dance meditation: SubsiDance


Research into the Green Transition using biomimetics, approaches from meteorology,

with biblical metaphors and parables

Linking to mythology at the pulse of time: rain as a natural phenomenon, and as a metaphor in the context of social coexistence

A symbolic word-play  inspired by the term subsidence from meteorology, which describes

the "sinking or downward movement of air over a wide area in an area of high pressure that brings stable conditions", translated into human interaction and dance practice.

An attempt to prevent harm, breathing together and acting together with the next,

 while imagining the consequences of our acts, acting differently ...

Made possible by the practice of conscious breathing as a spiritual and self-guiding practice that helps to better think along with being together, prevent hate speech and various other acts of violence,

so that raining together succeeds as a practice for peaceful coexistence

Tatjana Christelbauer & the team

Contents: Music, dance meditation, spaceinstallation

Psalm 27:9; 23.2; 72.6

Revelation: 1:7

Parables: 2 harvests,

more info, from June 2024

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