Orange Feather
imporving relational cultures
Feathership: guiding leadership and
Ethics & integrity in AI: AI applied in arts & v.v
Art-based mediation methods
Intergenerational, inclusive and effective thought experiments and somatic practices
Cultural Diplomacy2030:
Registration, request:
NO to violence against women UNESCO, UN women
current presentations, exibitions:
International Art Fair Rome 12th edition hosted by Liquid Group 6th-12th December 2024
Anna Lindh Foundation pavillion Brussels 19th of August
"It´s about people ..." conference Alma Mater Europea Ljubljana , "Aplied AI" 15th March 2023
ICD Berlin Cultural Diplomacy Forum 17th-18th Februar 2023
UN Vienna 3rd February 2023
Wittgenstein and AI, NCH London 31st July 2022
Sibenik Dance Festival art_science panel "Feminism in arts" 26th of July 2022
Webpage info on Western Balkans InfoHub good practices shared
Cost-efficient, sustainably effective:
Time-Space Efficiency:
effective also as an imaginary instrument,
complex content in simple form and format:
cross-generational learning,
simple method
Further advisory, collaboration with experts
of ACD -association
Orange Feather
peace messenger
for the
prevention of violence and escalation of conflicts, for more peaceful relational cultures
The Orange Feather is a symbolic reminder and an peacemaking tool
reminder to practice meekness,
by holding breath for a moment, choosing words sensitively,
softening voice,
act mindful,
breath with
Meekness ^Sanftmut (German)^, blagonaklonost - B/K/S)
Peace Triangle=
Play Well- 3 sequences[1]:
Orange Feather
can also be effective as an imaginary tool
as experienced by introductory workshops, thought experiments and talk sessions
Orange Feather
can serve as an powerful "alert" in educational institutions, ranging from kindergartens, schools to universities, as well as in all corporations, municipalities, governmental institutions, in
the public space, museums, and family homes.
Orange Feather -
mission is to enhance the Culture of Peace and serve as an effective tool for daily practice
The 3-Orange Feder -exercise- sequences serve to re-learn in order to change the usual reaction patterns, to increase self-control in the case of "emerging events"
holding for a moment
sustaining the ´fury attempt´
breathing with
The Orange Feather - Flight control Message :
Breath in, pause, act
Atemzug, Federflug ...
Orange Feather
^ SDG 16
Peace Feather
Learning and promotional material
^Workshop: Language is a serious play
for ministries, communities, managerial staff from business enterprises, socio-educational advice centres, youth associations, international organizations, clubs, for adults and children
Duration: 1-3 days, 4 hours each
Hybrid format (in house, webinar)
^ e-Manual
^ Narrative/Featherbook for children, young people and adults. Orange feather Rule
^Orange feather Bookmark, postcard, poster, magnet, brooch, Orange feather with carrying envelope
^ Orange Feather Ambassadors Status:
opportunities for active participation
of communities, institution, organizations, individuals ...
Your benefits:
^contribution to more peaceful world, life and relationships
^ 1x free consultation per year
^ Networking with worldwide
^ACD -association network,
visits to local events /Vienna and to international events
^ other engaging-and participating Opportunities
according to your ideas
Terms of Use,
Code of Conduct
Orange Feather-Motive photographed on black, blue (#251be3), cream-white background,
all educational materials, art projects, posters, postcards, book marks with the Orange Feather-motive were created by Tatjana Christelbauer and are protected by copyright as her intellectual property.
Thus, the use of the Orange Feather-motif and related educational materials needs to be communicated with the author, how and for what purposes the motiv is considered to be applied on.
By connecting to and becoming part of the Orange Feather Initiative
partner institutions, communities, organisations, corporations and individuals can gain Ambassador-role and rights to promote their local-#orangetheworld activities by use of the Orange Feather-motiv
The Orange Feather achieves its best effectiveness through further application and dissemination, therefore is desired to reach wider population with this image and connect with organisations, institutions, corporations, individuals who will support its further development and contribute to its initial mission, to prevent and to END gender-based violence and all forms of violence among humans and humans toward humans
Orange Feather dissemination
Institutions, companies, communities, associations, governmental and non-governmental organizations and also individuals can assert their rights to use the Orange Feather motif by becoming supporting member and making a contribution to their local orange initiatives in collaboration with the ACD Agency for Cultural Diplomacy association, which is led by Tatjana Christelbauer.
This initiative, along with all Orange Feather- themed educational materials and products, was created out of the creator's philanthropic endeavours and with the aim to contribute to the prevention of violence, particularly domestic violence and gender-based violence. The Orange Feather initiative has been launched in May 2021. However, the motif with the orange feather was already put on a postcard in 2017 as a contribution to UN Women Austria, as part of the UN Women global initiative
"Orange the World" 16 days of action against violence against women and girls and all kinds and forms of violence from people to other people, created for promotional purposes.
[1] Sessions creating applying on the serious play method as a
certified LEGO Serious Play facilitator
artwork and video message 4 Orange feather-by Noah´s Ark Academy, Maragoli, Kenya students who attend Ikubi2030-art-based SDG-leanring ZOOM-sessions led by Tatjana Christelbauer
Cooperation platform for artists and mediators, advisors, educational institutions and all interested to engage in
Most materials and informations on webpages are available under the open-source license international 4.0 CC-BY SA(for more information, please see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), few of them are limited only to non-commercial use, so check carefully the applicable license.