nadahnuti, dva puta ponoviti, u dva jezika, biserima...
Judith sWord: plesna meditacija u jezičnoj igri
"He failed throgh the decent of my lips"
Nova izvedba plesne molitve iz 2006. premijerno prikazane u Bečkoj Votivkirche
povodom 500-godišnjice Judita-poeme
New attempt of an dance prayer from 2006 premiered in the Vienna Votivchurch:
On the occasion of the 500-Anniversary of the script Judita written by Croatian writer Marko Marulic
An-atomic facts: Dance meditation, language play, in time: imagining "otherwise" to act, transforming conditions-
an attempt to "ethic imagination" (Gonzales 2014)
"sWord" - is my critical approach to "legacy of violence and power" and the interpretation of the script .
In the light of L. Wittgenstein´s Philosophical Investigations and P. Ricoeur´s notes on interpretation (The critique of Religion" and "the Language of Faith" (1973)- in particular the notes on two-way process of re-interpretation.
"Other interpretation" through the pre-position by "explicating a kind of being-in-the-world that unfolds in front of the text" (P. Ricoeur) is considered to be explored as a set of cross-word-scores in a multilingual setting by use of digital electronic devices and photography, building upon aspects of Jean Paul Lederach´s analysis on how to transcend violence starting from the capacity to generate, mobilise, and build a moral imagination (Lederach, 1995; 2005)
See: Lederach, John Paul (1995): Preparing for Peace: Conflict Transformation Across Cultures. Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press.
State of affairs: embodied speech acts, aspect change
Plesna meditacija, jezična igra, u vremenu:
zamišljanje "drugačijeg" djelovanja, "druge magije", transformacije,
interpretacije kazivanja,
"Judita sWord" - moj je kritički pristup aktima verbalnog nasilja, igri riječi, molitve,spiritualnosti govora,
trasformativnog potencijala umjetničkih formi kazivanja
Rasplitanje čvorova misli u jezičnoj predstavi
nizajući bisere mudrosti
smekšavanje daha
i uma
riječima bisernim ...
"Što ako je Juditin mač bio satkan riječima
molitvenom pjesnom,
dahom ufanja,
Projektne aktivnosti
Plesna meditacija:
mač biserne krunice 3 Min.
Razgovor na temu:
meka moć riječi molitvenih napjeva: virtualne sesije sa ekspertima, edukativne sesije za studente
Crkvena pjesmarica: biserne trake - podna instalacija, digitalna projekcija fotografije, plesne meditacije